

God created man and woman out of love and commanded them to imitate his love in their relations with each other. Man and woman were created for each other…Woman and man are equal in human dignity, and in marriage both are united in an unbreakable bond. (United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, Ch. 21, p. 279)

Get married in the Church

It is a joy for our parish community to accompany you both in the process of your Christian marriage preparation. This sacrament is a commitment of love that needs some time to be prepared with careful planning. We provide the following information to facilitate this process and we’ll assist you both in the best manner.

We assume that you both, are practicing Catholics (or at least one of you) and that you participate regularly in the life of the parish. That is surely the reason why you turn to us for assistance. If you want to begin the process, please click on the button “Read more”.

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To Get married in the Church

Please, call the parish office: (650) 871-8944 Monday through Friday between 9:00 and 4:30 PM and you will be informed about the documentation and preparation requirements. You will need to bring your updated Baptism certificate and the process usually takes seven to nine months of preparation

Since the pandemic the preparation classes before marriage are done online: Allow at least 3 months for the process.

Sacramento del Matrimonio

Cómo preparar una Boda en la Iglesia Católica?

Es una alegría para nuestra comunidad parroquial poder acompañarlos en el proceso de la preparación y la celebración de su matrimonio cristiano. Este sacramento es un compromiso del amor que debe planificarse con tiempo y cuidadosamente, por eso les brindamos la siguiente información para facilitarles este proceso.

Asumimos que Uds. los novios, deben ser católicos practicantes (o al menos uno de Uds.) y que participan regularmente en la vida de la parroquia. Esa es la razón seguramente, por la que recurren a nosotros y los vamos a asistir de la mejor manera. Si quieren comenzar el proceso, hagan clic por favor en el botón “Más Información”.

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