Join a Ministry or Group


Join a Choir or Music Ministry - Músicos y Coros

Please, call the parish office: (650) 871-8944 Monday through Friday between 8:30 and 5:00 PM. Leave your name, phone and desire and the secretaries will refer you to the appropriate group. Welcome! Contact one of the Coordinators: Jeremy Perlas (Engl) – (650) 255-8290 or Francisco Lopez (Span): (650) 201-0045

Lectors - Lectores

Reader who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other services. Contact one of the Coordinators: Emma Chan (Engl)- (650) 455-3558 or Dora Cruz (Span)- (650) 359-2973

Do you want to join a group or ministry?

Please, check this information about the different groups & ministries. You have here the names of responsibles & their phone numbers. Contact them and feel free to help our parish. You are the most welcome! Thank you! 

Eucharistic Ministers -Ministros de la Eucaristia

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. Contact the Coordinator: Jesus & Dora Cruz (Engl)- (650) 359-2973 or Rosa Gomez (Span)- (650) 589-0998

Altar Servants - Monaguillos

Boys and girls who assist the priest at the liturgy. Contact the Coordinator: Alicia Navarro (Engl)- (650) 291-6007 or Nancy Gracia (Span)- (650) 438-5325

Ushers - Ujieres

Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.

Liturgical Service 

Flowers and Grounds Volunteers who care for and beautify the grounds and church.

Altar Service Society

Responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens. This includes the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals, and altar linens. Contact the Coordinator: Rosa Gomez – (650) 589-0998

Religious Education - Catequesis Parroquial

Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments. Contact the R.E Director: Lourdes Yñiquez-Gallo – (650) 583-3562


Volunteers who coordinate social activities and gatherings of parishioners during the year. Contact the Coordinator: Marissa Andres – (650) 438-0425

Small Communities - Pequeñas Comunidades

This is a group of people who come together weekly or seasonally to pray, read and reflect on Scripture & connect their faith with their lives bringing their faith into action in acts of charity and social justice. Coordinadora: Rosa Gomez – (650) 589-0998

Taller de Lectura bíblica- Bible study

Este “Taller de Lectura Bíblica” tiene como objetivo que cada participante descubra la Palabra de Dios, aprendiendo a interpretar el texto bíblico con las herramientas que su misma Biblia trae, como el glosario, los comentarios al pie de página, las referencias bíblicas, las introducciones y los mapas. Coordinador: Maria Barcelata -

Pastoral Familiar

El propósito de este ministerio es ayudar a los matrimonios a reflexionar sobre el compromiso que han asumido y compartir las alegrías y problemas de la vida matrimonial.

YMI (Young Men Institute) 

All men are welcome! Join us for coffee, a light breakfast, socialization, and engaging conversation about our faith in a relaxed environment. Questions? Please email the coordinator for future dates: Luis Alvarenga – 650 827 2482

Baptism Preparation

Preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith. Contact the Coordinators: Esperanza Urista (Span)- (408) 705-3940   Deacon Romeo Cruz (Engl)- <>

Preparación a los padres para la formación de la fe de sus hijos. Comuníquese con los Coordinadores: Esperanza Urista (España)- (408) 705-3940  Diácono Romeo Cruz (inglés)- <>

Pro-Life Rosary

Unite as a community praying the Rosary for the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death. Meditative hymns are sung, along with the recitation of the Rosary. No experience required. Mentors provided. Contact the coordinator: Rosa Gomez – (650) 589-0998

Eucharistic Adoration

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to pray before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance. See our Adoration in our church is daily from 8:40am till noon.

El Santísimo Sacramento es expuesto y adorado por voluntarios que se apuntan durante una hora o más para orar ante el Señor Jesús presente en la Custodia. Vea nuestra Adoración en nuestra iglesia todos los días desde las 8:40 am hasta el mediodía.

Small Christian Communities

A Small Christian Community is a Community of Faith

  • A group of people, normally eight to ten who respond to God's calling to enter into a personal relationship in prayer life, for the purpose of strengthening their faith and sharing it with each other
  • Grounded in faith in Jesus Christ, Scriptures and Tradition
  • Linked to other Christian communities primarily through the Eucharist
  • Bonded unto the large Christian Community – the Parish.

Small Christian communities are groups of people who come together on a regular basis to pray, read and reflect on the Holy Scriptures, connect their faith into action through reaching out to the poor and the marginalized in acts of charity and social justice.

It is an evangelization model seeking to build a "community of communities which parish leaders receive an in-depth formation, uninvolved parishioners are invited to join faith-sharing groups, and parish organizations move toward being small church communities, revamping their meetings & allowing the Spirit to open them to a new vision of parish." (manual: For Leaders of Small Communities In Multi-Cultural Parishes, Betsy Lamb)

Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianas

Una Pequeña Comunidad Cristiana les ofrece a todos la experiencia de ser la Iglesia. Igual como los primeros Cristianos, las Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianas se reúnen para compartir el Evangelio, y nutrirse con la Palabra de Dios y compartir las experiencias de Dios en sus vidas y ser formados en las diferentes formas de discipulado. Se reúnen en casas particulares y las reuniones de los coordinadores son cada 2ndo domingo del mes a las 7pm en el salón Youth Room.

The Mission of a Small Christian Community:

  • Evangelization of its members and society at large
  • Bearing witness
  • Teaching and learning
  • Outreach and Support for the People of God
  • Enriching the Liturgical Life and Ministries of a Parish
  • Service, especially to the poor and marginalized in our Society.

A Small Christian Community Gathers Regularly for:

  • Mutual faith sharing
  • Scripture reading and Reflection
  • Prayer and worship
  • Service to the Community of Faith and the Liturgical Life of a Parish: as Lectors, Ushers, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist etc.
  • Visiting the sick and the homebound: Bringing them Holy Eucharist and ministry of caring.
  • Service to the larger Community.

How often, for how long and where do they meet?

  • Weekly, every two weeks, or monthly, depending upon the structure and needs of the group
  • Normally in homes or at the parish Center
  • Meetings run for about two hours.

Each Friday night there is Bingo in the Parish Hall. Please refer to the Facebook page for more information.

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