Thank you for helping our community. You are the most welcome!
Please, call our Parish Office, Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm: 650-871-8944 ( ext 101 or ext 102 )
or visit us at: 315 Walnut Ave. South San Francisco, CA 94080 (opposite the Parish Hall & Church)
Let us know your personal information: your name & home address, your Primary phone & Cellphone, your E-mail address and the group or ministry where you would like to help as a volunteer. Welcome to our Faith community!
If you would like to help as a volunteer at the Second Harvest food distribution on the 4th Saturday of each month send an email to: for more information.
5:15 PM KA - † Pierina and Cesare Mezzetta
6:30 PM MM - † Reyna Villafuerte Chávez; Leticia, Horacio y Reyna Salazar
7:30 am MM - Intentions for Parishioners
9:00 am JB -
10:30 am KA -
12 noon JB - *Juan Pedro Gómez: Cumpleaños
*Acción de Gracias
† Pedro y María de Jesús Urista Pinzón
† Ernesto López: Aniversario #1 Difunto
† Luis Antonio Vides
5:15 pm MM -
8:00 am JB - † Irene Arellano
6:00 pm MM - *Jose Luis Gonzalez Hernandez Bday
8:00 am JB - *Joaquin Berdugo: Birthday
6:00 pm - † Maria Natividad & Mariano Cano Sr.
8:00 am KA - † Anthony Pardi; Francisco Ng & Pilar Felix
6:00 pm MM -
8:00 am JB - † Pedro Aguilar
6:00 pm KA -
8:00 am KA - † Lando & Giuseppina Baldocchi
6:00 pm KA -
5:15 pm JB - † Gloria Galeotti
6:30 pm KA - *Sara Navarro; Adrián Gómez y Familia
7:30 am JB - Intentions for Parishioners
9:00 am KA - † José Lomelí y Marcelino Hernández
10:30 am MM - *April Bday Celebrants: Cardenas Fam
12:00 pm KA - *Jesús Cruz: Cumpleaños #80
† Christian Alvarado Cruz: Aniversario
de Difunto
† Rosalinda Gil
† María de la Luz Rocha: Aniversario #8 de Difunta
† Arturo y Luisa Jauregui
5:15 pm JB - † All the Serbian Souls
Adventures in Marriage Workshop
Faith! - Fun! - Forever!
Invest in your marriage today!
you’ll discover ways to:
communicate more clearly!
improve understanding!
make marriage a priority!
learn to love like Jesus!
This skills for marriage building day combines catholic teaching with the latest relationship research to let couples experience practical, attainable skills for a more successful marriage.
Create the marriage you want with the spouse you have!
$50/couple - includes lunch, workbooks, childcare
Link to more info:
Life-Giving Wounds Retreat
May 30 - June 1
A Retreat For Adult Children of Divorced/Separated Parents
Dealing with our parents' divorce is not easy but confronting this wound with faith can allow us to find great healing. We hope that you will become part of our supportive community and receive the many graces available through this ministry.
Healing Retreat
Attending the three-day retreat is a great way to start this journey of healing. The retreat focuses on discovering our identity as children of God, although it also focuses on overcoming the effects of parental divorce, forgiving our parents, and connecting with others from this background.
This retreat has something for any adult child of divorce or separation, no matter how much healing you have received or need.
The weekend includes presentations, small group sharing, adoration, spiritual direction, and Mass. This three-day retreat is the centerpiece of this ministry.
Themes covered on the weekend include:
• Finding Our Deepest Identity
• Faith and Our Relationship with God
• Love, Dating, and the Sacrament of Marriage
• Loneliness
• Anger and Anxiety
• False Guilt and Shame
• Forgiveness and Reconciliation
• Family Boundaries
• The Christian Meaning of Suffering
• Healing and the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist
Link to more info:
And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)