Religious Education and Family Faith Formation

Religious Education and Family Faith Formation

Jesus Christ proclaimed the Reign of God, and it is the mission of the Religious Education and Faith Formation of our Parish to share in His Ministry. The Church teaches that the primary responsibility for the spiritual growth and development of our children rests with their parents. Parents are the principal teachers of our children, and while others may help, parents never give up this sacred duty. The Church helps parents in passing on our faith through the ministry of Religious Education and Faith Formation—especially by participating in Holy Mass, by partaking in God’s Word in Scripture, and by sharing the traditions of the Catholic Church.

The Religious Education and Family Faith Formation program registration will close October 11, 2024. To register, please visit the All Souls Parish SSF Faith Enroll Link (Click Here)  have the following items ready: Baptism Certificate and/or First Communion Certificate. If you need assistance please visit the Religious Education office during business Mondays & Wednesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. or Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 

Guidelines & Requirements

Interviews with Director of Religious Education: 

At the time of Registration, you will be asked to make an appointment to meet with the DRE. This meeting is to become more acquainted with each other, to share your present family faith life and to discern the readiness of your child for preparation in receiving the Sacrament. Final interview will take place for all second-year families preparing for First Holy Communion or Confirmation.

Parent Orientation Meeting:

The Parent Orientation Meeting will be to familiarize yourselves with our beginning steps at providing family catechesis, receiving the materials your child will be using, distribute the calendar, and take the first steps in deepening your understanding of the Eucharist or Confirmation.

Class Attendance:  

Children are required to be at every class session. If, for a good and valid reason such as medical or personal emergencies, your child cannot be present to a class session, please contact the catechist or the Religious Education Office (650) 873-5356 to inform us. Each catechist will take role at the beginning of each class time. If there are more than three unexcused absences, we will need to talk about the readiness of your child to be a part of the preparation and formation. Each catechist will have a set of “Class Guidelines” for you and your child to follow.

Concerns that may arise: 

Each catechist will try to maintain a good relationship with your child and communicate directly with him or her; however, if there are any serious concerns with your child, both the Catechist and the Director will communicate right away with the parents. Together we will try to resolve whatever the concern may be. If the child or the family is not ready to partake in the sacramental preparation and formation, we will decide this together with the Pastor.

Holy Mass Attendance: 

At the time of the initial interview with the Director of Religious Education, the family will be asked to commit to attending one Holy Mass—either on Saturday Vigil Mass or Sunday Mass. We will monitor Holy Mass attendance by having your child’s Mass Journal signed by someone who is ministering in the Mass. Every 3rd Sunday of the month, Religious Education and Faith Formation will celebrate a special Holy Mass. We invite all families to attend and participate!

Holy Mass Journals: 

You will receive a Mass Journal at the time you receive your child’s textbook. The Mass Journal is for your child to write what they learned from that Sunday’s Mass—either in the Scripture readings or the homily. Holy Mass is meant to be an encounter with Jesus Christ. More instruction on how to help your child with their Holy Mass Journal will be given.

Holy Mass Class:  

Parents will be attending a short class about Holy Mass.

Monthly Parent Sessions: 

There will be a monthly Family Session for First Communion and Growing in Faith and a monthly Parents' Session for Confirmation, which will take place at the parish at the beginning of each month. Please refer to the monthly calendar for dates and times of the meeting. 

  • First Holy Communion Parents:  The meeting or session will consist of a catechism review for parents and instructions on how to teach your child at home.
  • Confirmation Parents:  The meeting or session will consist of a catechism review and some help with how to support your youth at this time in their life.

Retreat for Parents and Children:  

  • First Holy Communion: There will be one Retreat during the year for the parents and their children within the two years of preparation.
  • Confirmation: There will be an Evening of Recollection for Parents/Sponsors and Confirmands and a Retreat for all Confirmands in their second year of preparation.

Participate in Confession – Reconciliation Process of your child or youth: 

  • First Holy Communion Parents: Before receiving their First Holy Communion, your child will be in preparation (mostly the first year of preparation) for their first Confession. First Reconciliations will be during Lent before First Holy Communions in the Easter Season.
  • Confirmation Parents: Confirmation children will be encouraged to participate in the Sacrament of Confession throughout the two years of preparation. A group Reconciliation Service for Confirmation will take place in September after they complete their second year of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Sacrament of Confirmation is in October after the second year.

Summary of Parents’ Requirements and Role:

Parents are the primary educators of our children; they are the ones to form them in the faith. Our staff is eager to work with parents to help them and we ask parents to cooperate by following these guidelines. 
To summarize, parents are to:

  • Become registered parishioners.
  • Celebrate Saturday Vigil or Sunday Holy Mass with your child.
  • Participate in an initial and final interview.
  • Attend Parent Orientation Meeting.
  • Supervise your child or youth with their Mass Journal or their Mass Passport to Heaven Card.
  • Participate actively in the sacramental and communal life of the Parish.
  • Pray with your child; share your faith and recount your personal faith filled stories with your child, letting them know what your faith means for you.
  • Be sure to bring your child to their class session each week.
  • Attend parent class on Holy Mass.
  • Attend the Parent Catechetical Sessions or Family Session once a month at the church.
  • Partake in Retreats for parents, sponsors, and children during the time of Sacramental preparation.
  • Learn to live the Sacrament of Confession – Reconciliation. Receive the Sacrament often!
  • Stay in contact with the Catechist, the Director, and the Pastor.

Flocknote Messages:

The Pastor periodically sends out Flocknote messages to all the parishioners. Once you are a registered parishioner, you will be receiving his messages.  The Director of Religious Education will use Flocknote to send messages to you as well, which you will receive either as a text message to your phone or as an email. You may reply to the messages on Flocknote. 

Messages to the Director of Religious Education and Catechists:

You may reach the Director of Religious Education and catechists by calling the Religious Education Office (number below) or you may come by the office during office hours. You may also reach the Director and the Catechist through his or her email address. 

Religious Education Office information:

Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Saturdays 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 

Phone Number: (650) 873-5356

Email Address:

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